Saturday, September 17, 2011


Life is crazy. Many of you probably already know- but right now Ry and I were supposed to be 5 hours away on our way to Alaska. That was our plan. However, as many of you also know, Chandelle our puppy got hit by a car last night. PLEASE pray for her. Her wounds are pretty bad. The vet said she may not make it. Her shoulder is broken and she has lacerations on her legs. But the worst is her lungs. She is having trouble breathing and the vet thinks her lungs have blood in them. Our poor baby. The good news is she is starting to stabilize. The vet didn't expect her to be doing as good as she is this morning. Praise Jesus. He is healing her. She is not our of danger yet. She still has some serious wounds. So please pray for her. We love her so much. As I write this even though I know she is at the vet, I keep looking for her. She isn't hiding under the desk at my feet or laying on the bed waiting for me to be done. And that breaks my heart. We are still trying to figure things out about Alaska- so please pray about that as well. We can't deter our trip too long because it is almost winter up there and we won't make it if we do.

The weird thing to me about all of this is on the way to work yesterday I was listening to the radio. They had Carrie Roberts on and she was talking about her song "No Matter What." As I listened to that song, I just felt in my heart that God was asking me- do you trust Me? Will you serve me no matter what? I thought it had to do with Alaska. I was all of course I will. We are moving aren't we. Or maybe the infertility stuff was what He was asking about.  But I think God was preparing me for that night. He was preparing me to say okay God no matter what- Your will. I know He can heal Chandy. He can do the impossible. But it has to be HIS will not mine. It has to be for His glory. Its not about me. My heart is broken- but there is a bigger picture a bigger purpose. All I can do is pray and trust and say No matter what Lord.

Please please pray for her and for us. Thanks.

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