Saturday, December 31, 2011

NYE + Cry

I hope everyone has been enjoying the holidays. This time of year is so special. Christmas celebrating Christ's birth and new year's the birth of a new year. This time of year is extra special for me because Ry and I got married between Christmas and New Years. Thursday we celebrated five years. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man. Infertility is not an easy thing for a couple to go through. There are days the hormones make me so emotional. The littlest things can make me cry. Ry was wanting to take pictures of me and I started crying because the hormones give me acne and I didn't feel pretty. Or there are days when I just want to shut myself off from the world. Or the tears from just wanting a baby so badly. (I have to admit I cry a lot at home). But during those times you really need someone who knows you and your situation and can pull you out of the funk. I hope none of you reading this has to go through infertility and all the challenges it causes- but if you do find someone you can be open and honest with about your situation. It really does help.

So tomorrow starts a New Year. I have no clue what 2012 will bring but I look forward to writing about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl ~ just wanted to let you know I prayed for you today. =)
