Happy Mother’s Day! I have been so blessed. My mom is
amazing. I could write a whole blog post praising her for raising my siblings
and me. We saw her beautifully fulfill her wedding vows of “in sickness and in
health” as she took care of my dad throughout his battle with cancer. I love
and miss you Mom. I, also, have Ryan’s mom who has blessed us so much. But
beyond physical family- God has given me many women who have become spiritual
mothers and sisters to me. Moving all over and being away from family is not
easy. The Lord has been faithful though to give me family wherever He took us. Here
in Africa he has already brought incredible women who bless me so much. But
while I have so many- my heart breaks that there are some who have none. Why am
I so lucky and they so unfortunate? How does this happen? I believe God is
calling us to stand in the gap for those kids.
I love the movie Courageous. It is about men standing
up to be the fathers God has called them to be. I watched it with my mom and
she said at the end, “they need to make a version of this for the women.” I
agree. It is time for us to nurture those we currently have in our life and to
add others into the fold. I have been reading Nurture: Give and Get What You
Need to Flourish by Lisa Bevere. (Wonderful book) The premise of the book
is that it is time women start taking care of each other and the younger women.
This world needs more women willing to be mothers to those who need one. You
see it every day in the news. Stories about abortion, child abuse/neglect,
violence… and we wonder what is wrong with this world. Sin but also that
children are growing up physically but they are not being raised. When I did a
research paper in college about foster care I could not believe the statistics
linking foster children to drugs, alcohol, teen pregnancy, and crime. These
kids NEED someone. You are probably reading this and thinking that’s great and
all- but I already have my hands full with my own family. This crazy lady doesn’t
have kids so she doesn’t understand why I can’t. I know I only had children in
my home for a short time but I remember how hectic life was. I remember the
days I did not have a moment to myself until I collapsed into bed late at night.
I am not saying anyone should neglect their family to reach out to others. What
I am saying is pray to see if God wants you expand your influence. Lisa Bevere
wrote, “But the truth is none of us were created for maintenance, we were made
for expansion. Daughter of the Most High, God wants to enlarge the life of each
and every one of us. He wants to push us out over the brink of what we can
control in our own abilities and strengthen and position us to realize the
lives He has for us outside our neat and tidy packages.” This is not just about
adoption and foster care. I know that is not for everyone. But there are other
things we can do. Volunteer at your church. Pastors correct me if I am wrong-
but I am pretty sure just about every children’s and youth ministry is looking
for more volunteers. Just a couple hours a week and you can make a difference.
How do I know this? I saw this with Mark. He LOVED going to church. This little
boy with a hard exterior and a rough childhood melted in the safety of his
AWANAs class. When I asked him who his best friend at church was- he said his
teacher. Be a mentor. Be a tutor. Coach a sport. Find the lonely and invite
them to lunch. Pray and ask God to show you the opportunities you have to make
a difference. A new generation is coming up. They need our wisdom and our care.
Let’s not let them down. So this Mother’s Day I am asking you to prayerfully consider
inviting someone new into your life. Yes, it is time consuming and can be hard
work- but it is worth it. I have now had to say goodbye to 3 little ones (one
of my toddlers went home with their family). It hurts but I have joy knowing
that I got to be a part of their story. Whether they remember me or not- I will
remember them. See when you mother a child it not only changes them, but it
changes you too. I have such precious memories of my babies. I am super sick
right now (pretty sure its pneumonia but for a while we thought it might be
malaria) but all I want is to be well so I can go snuggle with my little ones.
Sometimes I feel that they bless me more than I bless them.
So my challenge to you is to pray. Pray that God would open
your heart. That you would be willing to expand your sphere of influence. Then follow His leading. He won’t call you to
something that He won’t give you the strength to do. Albert Einstein said, “A
person starts to live when he can live outside himself.” Let’s start living.
My Kiddos
My Mom and me (circa 2006)
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